Monday 4 March 2013

Red-eared firetail

Red eared firetail, 2013
I met this Red eared firetail at the end of last year at Melbourne Museum.

Red eared firetail is a beautiful finch found in south-west Australia.
Their beaks, eyes and lores are fiery bright red, and just as all firetail family, the rump is bright red too.
Lower part of their body is black with white spots.

I put this little firetail on a shoulder of a girl that kind of looks like me...

This one was in a small corner of a very large room full of beautiful taxidermy in the public section like this.
Melbourne museum, mammal section

I'm so happy to see all of you!
I will draw every single one of you eventually.

My next aim is to draw Diamond firetail, quite similar to Red eared firetai.
It's Pupperrimbul, a little bird with a red patch on its tail who made the sun long long ago in Aboriginal mythology...

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