Sunday 12 August 2012

Space trumpet I

Space trumpet I is a new print I made in collaboration with Damon Kowarsky.

Martens are slender and very agile animals with bushy tails covered in yellowish to dark brown fur.
They are related to minks, badgers, ferrets and weasels.

detail, Space trumpet

It's a side story but martens are thought to have an ability to metamorphose into something else in some Japanese lores.
As their fur is highly expensive, there is a saying among hunters "don't go hunting with two people".
It is because the fur can be sold at a high price, one might kill the other for it.

detail, Space trumpet

Damon drew Japanese marten recently at Melbourne Museum mammal collection room.
Marten looked quite scary there unlike these cuddly guys in our new print.

Detail on the print is on our website!

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